
CTE Youth Voice discussion panel

Is CTE for you?

Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides an important pathway to success for high school students like you and offers you opportunities to personalize your education based on your career interests and unique learning needs.

CTE is no longer simply woodshop or cooking class but includes courses and programs designed to prepare you for careers in current or emerging professions.

Every high school across Lane County has at least one CTE Program of Study. This includes a wide variety of disciplines that allow you to experience hands-on learning and acquire skills that are transferable to a multitude of future career pathways in healthcare, construction, technology, engineering, digital media, and many more.

The Lane CTE team is excited to welcome you to the world of Career Technical Education!

Youth Trades Academy 2023

Click HERE for Online application

What is the Youth Trades Academy (YTA)?

The Youth Trades Academy is a Program designed to give Juniors and Seniors a basic introduction to the technical and professional skills needed to successfully in an apprenticeship or pursue employment in the Building Trades.

Successful applications will be placed with highly qualified journeycard holding instructors for a six-week training experience that represent the Sheet Metal, Carpentry and Electrical Trades.

All applicants must be on track to graduate and have parent and counselors approval.

Click here for more information

Career & College Information

Elevate by Connected Lane County offers many career-connected learning services, including job shadows, internships, PDF guides to getting started in specific industries, and more. Visit their site

Lane Community College

National Resources